Specialised GYROTONIC® training for sports & dance
Gyrotonic method is ideal cross training or rehabilitation for dancers and athletes because it helps you to work smarter, increase control and resilience and distribute force. Training can be non weight bearing if need be and works on whole body rehabilitation by combining isotonic, isometric and isokinetic exercises.
Gyrotonic training ideal for dancers who have to have a lean strength within a very wide range of motion. The work challenges strength without losing the effortless flow and encourages effective use of breathing. Gyrotonic method is now being used worldwide by dancers in companies such as The Royal Ballet, Scottish Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, San Francisco Ballet & Boston Ballet.
Ballet dancers
Contemporary dancers
Ballroom dancers
Musical theatre dancers
Many sports professionals such as Tom Daley, Andy Murray, Charles Tillman & Carl Lewis have also discovered the benefits of Gyrotonic training, helping them to fine tune their movements, recover from injury and understand their bodies..
Tennis players
Footballers & Rugby players
Swimmers & Divers
Cyclists & Horse riders
Martial artists & boxers
Golf & Tennis
Golf and tennis both require strong rotational ability and drive through that rotation training the rotation, or spiral, is a big component of Gyrotonic method. The equipment can be used to apply resistance to the rotation, to develop a stronger stance, to mobility in the hips to spread rotation through the body.
What is unique about the GYROTONIC® method?
Gyrotonic training improves performance because the system develops dynamic, functional movement in multiple planes, co-ordination, breath control, flexibility and core strength, you become more connected and balanced through the body and able to move with less effort.
Many other training systems work muscle groups individually and in 2 dimensions, but Gyrotonic method works the whole body in 3 dimensions, incorporating rotational movements, working muscles, joints & fascia. High level performance whether in sport, dance, martial arts or athletics, requires this dynamic, 3-dimensional, neuromuscular function.
Whether it is for strength, flexibility or rehabilitation the focus on full body connection, and flowing movement patterns of the Gyrotonic method, works on distributing force and motion throughout the body, relieving individual joints and muscles from undue stress. By applying this type of training the body becomes a supple spring able to respond to different situations with resilience. This helps dancers and athletes not to overuse certain muscles or joints and to find the most efficient way for their body to perform to its full extent.
“Had my first Gyrotonic session yesterday with Dorcas, and I can’t believe I didn’t try it earlier in my career! It’s really fantastic and I can feel benefits immediately. It’s perfect for dancers, as it makes you use your body in a very three-dimensional way, with focus on deep core, breath and spine fluidity. I would highly recommend Gyrotonic and Dorcas as a trainer. Can’t wait for my next session!
Special rates
As a former dancer myself I enjoy teaching other professional dancers and aspiring vocational students because I know how Gyrotonic can help them move more efficiently, with strength, focus, self-awareness and resilience, but I also know that dancers are not well paid so I offer discounts to dancers who are keen to practice regularly, please just get in touch.